Sunday, March 30, 2014

BACK! :)


In case you forgot what I look like..

I decided to dress up (put on makeup LOL) on the weekends since my weekend priorities have been shifted so I do not leave my apartment (a.k.a. trying to fake being not lazy). -cough- FFXIV -cough-

It has been quite some time, but let me say, moving took up quite some time. Settling in took even MORE! X_X

Although it has been like..2 months since I have moved, I do not have everything furnished, even though I live SUPER close to an IKEA now...

...and I live on top of a shopping center...

..with the theater in walking distance.

Strangely enough, I am not broke (yet). Lol!!

So here is a small visual update on the recent events. I have been cooking a lot more now, and have been packing my time up with important things.. FFXIV.

Before I get into that, it would not be worth the move if it weren't for the fact that I am moving in with a friend I have known for over 10 years!! Fortunately enough, Stef had started working up in NorCal  before I did, and her lease was ending by the time I needed to find an apartment. And now we are roomies! \( ´ ▽ ` )ノ♪(ノ´∀`*)ノ

On to photos!

You all know my baby Talon! He/She (seriously I still do not know what gender Talon is..everyone says Talon is a girl though) loves the new apartment since our windows face the sun (North), so we get wonderful daylight through the year. Talon update:

Talon has grown quite big compared to when I first got him! He has been pretty spoiled too; just look at that last photo =_=i

In the first photo is my friend John holding Talon (Talon liked that his hand was really warm so he just stayed there haha). Our friends actually came by the apartment to visit us; they did a mini-roadtrip all the way up to see our new apartment!

And yes, in the end, we spent our weekend draining our bandwidth as we all indulged in video games.

Since the move, the most documented item would be food:
Korean casserole
 This dish actually confused me because I thought it was like the american casserole..
..but this tasted so much better. So good!

Homemade sandwich!

Homemade stuffed ciabatta: mushrooms, cheese, turkey, onion, garlic butter.

Homemade wonton soup
So far, this has to be the one thing I am most proud of making! I really wanted to make wontons, so I got ingredients at the local Asian supermarket and had Obiwon and Stef help with making them! SUPER EASY AND DELICIOUS! I even made my own broth. Tasted so healthy~

And lastly..
Leather Daniel Wellington watch
A gift from Obiwon (*^・^)CHU〜☆

Yuna Concert

She sounds SO amazing live. So amazing.

I'm slowly gathering things to do regular posts again. Hope you dolls are having a wonderful weekend!

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